- 产品描述
我司同时有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多联检测卡(胶体金法)
我司还提供:登革热,黄热病,基肯孔热,西尼罗河,立次克体,无形体,蜱虫,恙虫,锥虫,利什曼原虫,RK39, 汉坦病毒,乙脑,森林脑炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍乱,军团菌,结核,诺如病毒,轮状病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血热,伤寒杆菌,志贺氏菌检测试剂,!
mob: 杨 :
Drugs which according to the drug shape can be divided into three kinds of tobacco: refers to opium, poppy seeds and tobacco or addiction items. Poisonous: refers to morphine, tall root, heroin or synthetic products. Other drugs: including amphetamine, red, white, speed-kang, glue and psychedelic drugs and so on.
Common drugs are divided into four levels of the first level: heroin, morphine, opium, cocaine and the like products. Level 2: Poppy, coca, marijuana, amphetamine, ecstasy, rocker's foot ball, a grain of sand. Level 3: FM2, whiteboard, butyl caffeine, K his life.
Drug abuse prone to phenomenon 1. Less sleep or sleep habits change 2. Loss of appetite 3. Talkative, upset 4. Overreact 5 Often nervous, excited 6. Delusional and behavioral irritability, blood pressure 7. Unconscious or trance 8. In severe cases, they can be schizophrenic and lethal
Drug abuse harm Drugs can affect the central nervous system "Drug users to achieve the desired effect .Required often need to increase the amount, often in the case of unknowingly overdose .Toxic, dependent on drugs.Once the termination Or reduce the use of drugs, the body will have the symptoms of tearing off, yawning, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramps, restlessness and intense craving for drugs, etc. Drug addicts are extremely hard to quit if they continue to use drugs It is hard to get rid of the shackles of drugs for a long time, and will not only seriously affect personal health, but will also face unemployment, job hardship, alienation of friends, broken marriage, broken family, impaired self-esteem, unmanageability to society, improper violence or theft By seeking ways to obtain drugs and causing serious social problems
Drugs are a broad concept. Drugs are also classified in many ways and can be classified from different perspectives, such as narcotic and psychotropic substances, natural and synthetic, soft and hard, traditional and novel. ★, traditional drugs. Drugs in the traditional sense refer to opium, heroin and marijuana. Opium, also known as opium, commonly known as the smoke, originated from the capsules of poppy plants, opium was black or brown, ammonia smell or old urine, bitter, strong smell; "morphine" is extracted from opium alkaloid , Is a colorless or white powder or crystal, its main medicinal value is analgesic, sedative, and antitussive, but also has a strong addiction; "Heroin" is a semi-synthetic morphine, chemical name is Diacetylmorphine, mostly white, colorless, light brown and brown powder. Heroin is more toxic than morphine and opium. It can be addictive if it is taken only occasionally, and it is extremely hard to get rid of it. Long-term use of heroin causes prolonged sleepiness, excessive discharge of tears, pain, itching, fits and starts, sweating, nausea and Diarrhea and other symptoms, and easily infected with a series of diseases such as viral hepatitis, severe cases can cause coma, decreased respiration, hypopnea, and pulmonary edema, and even lead to respiratory difficulties and death.
产品名称 | 规格 | 检测违禁品类型 |
产品名称 | 英文缩写 | 检测阀值 |
吗啡检测试剂盒 | MOP(OPI) | 300ng/ml |
mamp检测试剂盒 | MAMP(MET) | 1000ng/ml |
K检测试剂盒 | KET | 1000ng/ml |
Ecstasy检测试剂盒 | MDMA | 500ng/ml |
cocaine检测试剂盒 | COC | 300ng/ml |
hemp检测试剂盒 | THC | 50ng/ml |
Amphetamine检测试剂盒 | AMP | 1000ng/ml |
Benzene two nitrogen Zhuo检测试剂盒 | BZO | 300ng/ml |
巴比妥检测试剂盒 | BAR | 300ng/ml |
Methadone检测试剂盒 | MTD | 300ng/ml |
w the test device, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30oC) prior to te
负面:*显示两行。 一条彩色线应位于控制区(C),另一条彩色线应位于测试区(T)。 该阴性结果表明KET浓度低于可检测水平(1000ng / mL)。
正面:控制区域(C)出现一条彩色线条。 测试区域(T)不出现任何线条。 该阳性结果表明KET浓度超过可检测水平(1000ng / mL)。
无效:控制线无法显示。 标本体积不足或不正确的程序技术是控制线失败的zui可能的原因。 查看程序并用新的测试设备重复测试。 如果问题仍然存在,请立即停止使用测试套件并您当地的经销商。
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【 市场部 】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园健新基地番禺石楼镇健启路63号二期2幢101-103室
1. 流行病学史。发病前1周内与禽类及其分泌物、排泄物等有接触史。
2. 诊断标准。
1. 疑似病例:符合上述临床症状及血常规、生化及细菌影像学特征,甲型流感病毒通用引物阳性并排除了季节性流感,可以有流行病学接触史。
2. 确诊病例:符合疑似病例诊断标准,并且呼吸道分泌物标本中分离出H7N9禽流感病毒或H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测阳性。
3. 重症病例:肺炎合并呼吸功能衰竭或其他器官功能衰竭者为重症病例。
? 神经氨酸酶抑制剂:可选用奥司他韦(Oseltamivir)或扎那米韦(Zanamivir),临床应用表明对禽流感病毒H5N1和H1N1感染等有效,推测对人感染H7N9禽流感病毒应有效。奥司他韦成人剂量75mg每日两次,重症者剂量可加倍 ,疗程5-7天。扎那米韦成人剂量10mg,每日两次吸入。
? 离子通道M2阻滞剂:目前实验室资料提示金刚烷胺(Amantadine)和金刚乙胺(Rimantadine)耐药,不建议单独使用。
重症患者的治疗。 重症患者应入院治疗,对出现呼吸功能障碍者给予吸氧及其他相应呼吸支持,发生其它并发症的患者应积极采取相应治疗。